April Reading Wrap Up

Welp. What a slow stinker of a reading month. TRAVEL READING WHAT HAPPENED THIS MONTH Oof. This was a rough month of reading. This is what happens when you pick a theme "to grow on" with no real interest in it. I started and abandoned a dozen books this month. It was no reading slump... Continue Reading →

March Reading Wrap Up

The sun is starting to shine more and more and I am already anticipating reading outside in my hammock. This was a month of wonderful reading but, goodness, lots of it made me mad. WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH BEST OF THE MONTH By far the best book I read this month (and the one I have... Continue Reading →

February Reading Wrap Up

Black History Month is a great time to focus on reading books by and about Black History. I wish that I had planned this month better so that I had more available on my kindle for night time reading. To offset this I will be looking for fiction books written by black authors to read... Continue Reading →

January Reading Wrap Up

As I get my energy back, I find the urge to write about books being met with the actual energy to do so. This month has found me very grateful for all the wonderful authors out there who write such lovely, or fascinating, books to keep me company. THIS MONTH'S FICTION READING MY THOUGHTS I... Continue Reading →

Nonfiction November Week Four: Worldview Shapers

THE HOST Rebekah reads and writes about social justice, atheism, religion, science history, and more on She Seeks Nonfiction. I found Rebekah's blog through NonFiction November and it is my go-to to find new interesting NonFiction books. THE PROMPT Week 4 (11/20-11/24) Worldview Shapers: One of the greatest things about reading nonfiction is learning all kinds of... Continue Reading →

NonFiction November Week 3: Book Pairings

Week 3 (11/13-11/17) Book Pairings: This week, pair up a nonfiction book with a fiction title. Maybe it’s a historical novel and the real history in a nonfiction version, or a memoir and a novel, or a fiction book you’ve read and you would like recommendations for background reading. You can be as creative as you... Continue Reading →

NonFiction November Week 2: Choosing NonFiction

THE HOST Frances blogs about the books she has read at Volatile Rune and is a published poet, reviewer, sometime storyteller and novelist. THE PROMPT Week 2 (11/6-11/10) Choosing Nonfiction: What are you looking for when you pick up a nonfiction book? Do you have a particular topic you’re attracted to? Do you have a particular writing style... Continue Reading →

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