NonFiction Week 1: My Year of NonFiction Reading

It is time! I am so excited that it is finally November and time to dedicate the month to all things NonFiction. Well, except my night reading because, everyone needs variety.


The first week of Nonfiction November our host is Heather from Based on a True Story When I checked out her post I saw that Heather and I both read The Divorce Colony!


Week 1 (10/30-11/3) Your Year in Nonfiction: Celebrate your year of nonfiction. What books have you read? What were your favorites? Have you had a favorite topic? Is there a topic you want to read about more?  What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?


NonFiction is a beautiful friend to me. It doesn’t matter what you feel you are lacking in life, NonFiction has a book to help you fill that hole. This was a hard year for me and you can see the work I was trying to do reflected in my book selections. I went through and obsession with Cults – all sparked from Rebekah’s @ She Seeks Nonfiction post last year. That got me thinking about feminism and equality. Then I looked into how societal norms impact me personally and, whew, when I took a look under the hood the ol’ brain box needed some tune ups.


Since 2020 when I started really reading about female spies, stories of strong women have been a yearly theme for me. My favorite book this year in this category is The Woman They Could Not Silence. Elizabeth Packard sparked a revolution that changed men’s ability to put women in the mental institution for just any reason at all. Wife has gotten ugly? Institution. Wife has different opinions from your? Institution. The wife reading too much – institutionalize her!

The fact that she lived here in IL and her childhood and adulthood locations echo my own made me feel a deeper connection to her. She is buried here in Chicago and, upon completion of the book, I went to visit her grave to thank her.


Of all the books I read about Cults this year, Cultish was my favorite. I love linguistics and how language can impact a person. Amanda Montell did such an excellent job of demonstrating the pervasive nature of language in controlling other people.


I read a lot of self-help. And, when I decided to own and tackle my anxiety head on this year, I learned a lot. But something I have never been good at is boundaries. This book was not the first one I picked up to learn about the topic but it spoke to me so clearly that I found myself empowered to set boundaries at home, at work – and most important of all – with myself.


This book was one to beat all year and it couldn’t be done. All marginalized people suffer at the hands of health insurance companies and government control and where it intersects? Well, marginalized people die. These incredible black men were the first paramedics in America. They went into their own neighborhoods when no one else would, saved lives, and changed the world for the better. If you have ever had to call 911 and heard that siren getting closer and closer and knew that help was on the way – you have these men to thank.


Stack the shelf! Last year, I found a bunch of new blogs and two shelves of new nonfiction to entertain me and enlighten me. I hope that I will be able to do to the same this year.

Tell me, please! Are you participating? How did your year in NonFiction go?

22 thoughts on “NonFiction Week 1: My Year of NonFiction Reading

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  1. The Kate Moore book looks very interesting. I might have to add that one to my list. They say that Wilkie Collins ‘The Woman in White’ was awareness raising in that respect, but I’m not sure what the evidence is or was.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay for being Divorce Colony buddies! I started American Sirens this year too but had to send the audio back to the library before I got to finish. I have to get that out again to finish!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hah! It is like seeing someone out reading the same book – I immediately did a little celebration.

      I hope you get American Sirens again. I did the audiobook too and it is so good straight to the end.


  3. I just got a lovely gift card for my birthday this week, and I could not, after hearing my cousins tell about their dad’s favorite saying (“Are you being your best self?”) at his funeral yesterday, resist buying Live Your Best Life once I saw it on your post.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You and I are clearly interested in a lot of the same things! Judson Brewer’s Unwinding Anxiety helped me a lot. The Kate Moore book looks fantastic, I’ll be adding that one to my TBR, and the boundaries one is one I’d already been thinking about. Thanks for the recommendations!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Off the Edge and Cultish are on my TBR and I so need to read them. I have a copy of American Sirens and I so need to read it as well. The Storm is Upon us sounds great and perfect to read alongside Trust the Plan. Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult looks quite promising. Wonderful array of books you’ve spotlighted! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well thank you! When I stack them all together you would think I had problems with cults or something but the mentality is so fascinating. And, the author of Cultish really highlighted how much the language of fanaticism pervades our everyday lives. Enjoy!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice list!
    There’s been recently a few nonfiction books on sleep, I should soon read one.
    Interesting cover for American Demon. It seems they followed the theme of the cover for another serial killer: The Devil in the White City. So, did you like this one more?


    1. It does look like Devil in the White City! Ugh, no. This book bummed me out so badly and with one hour left, I stumbled across a review that spoiled the ending. Perhaps I should avoid covers like this! Hah!


  7. Lots of interesting books here! I’m so enjoying going through all the posts (even though I’m woefully behind at the moment) and seeing everyone’s past reading and future plans! I hope you enjoy the rest of the month …

    Liked by 1 person

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