WWW Wednesday May 9, 2018

It’s Wednesday! In May the weeks seem far too long as summer is not officially upon us and every single week is crammed full of activities and end of the school year shenanigans. So, I fall deeper in love with Wednesday as this is the day that rolls us closer to the weekend and summer.


Sam generously continues to host the WWW Wednesday meme which gives us all a chance to get organized. Please check out her website and all the other fantastic WWW lists. So, without further adieu….

What did I just finish reading?


My Lady’s Choosing by Kitty Curran and Larissa Zageris is an adult, Victorian romance themed, choose your own adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed it and you can read my full review here.

Bob by Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead is an all ages read that had me smiling on full beam. I loved Bob and Livvy and you can read my full review here.

I also finished BatmanNightwalker by Marie Lu. Marie wrote Batman true to character and filled the book with interesting sidekicks, friends and foes. However, I must admit, I really do not like Batman. I find him deeply annoying. His parent’s death aside, he needs additional therapy for his inability to believe that a gorgeous woman could be capable of evil deeds. Pretty ladies get him every single time and it makes me want to bat-slap him. However, if this doesn’t bother you about Batman you might enjoy this story. Nightwalker finds Bruce at the end of his high school experience stepping into his role in Wayne Enterprises (and into his slick Bat-suit.).

What am I Currently Reading?

I think the more important question might be, “Have I lost my mind?” Actually, I seem to have lost my attention span. I am struggling to get through The Book of Joy even though it is excellent. It has a lot of deep thoughts and rather than speed through them all I am challenging myself to slow down and absorb the wisdom. Therefore, I decided to read just one chapter a day.

The same is true of all the other books on this list with the exception of Good in Bed. Each of these books is proving to be a unique and interesting book that I have gotten sucked into one chapter at a time. Check back next week to see if this weird attention problem proves to help or hinder my reading log. Good in Bed is just a cute romance someone recommended to me that I am burning through right before bed.

What do I plan to read next?

The only firm plans I have is to get my Sunday Comics back on track. So I have these two graphic novels sitting at the ready!

Tell me, please!

Have you read any of my books? And, how excited are you for the longer days of summer?!

17 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday May 9, 2018

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    1. Wait, wait, your Kindle’s name is Pippa!? If so, that is amazing. I call mine Ken. He’s super faithful. I picked up Good in Bed because of many many recommendations and I am enjoying it. It is a nice break from my stack ‘o non-fiction!


    1. Honestly, if you don’t like Batman it is probably a skip. True Batman fans will love this book but it just made my slapping hand twitch. He never listens to his friends!!! She (insert beautiful and evil woman) always manages to pull the wool over his eyes and it’s annoying. Truthfully, I read Batman for Alfred and he wasn’t in it enough for me. I hope this helps!

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      1. So it a No, I know it sounds strange I watched all the super heroes movies except batman, superman and spider man :D, so I didn’t have any idea about batman, but if he is a puppet as you said no I am not interested 😀

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  1. Your take on Batman made me smile. If only he’d listen to you! Good in Bed is the only Jennifer Weiner I’ve ever read, but I remember thinking her writing was a cut above your average chick lit. If only my TBR wasn’t stacked so high, I’d give another one of her books a try.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. About Batman – thanks! I am enjoying Jennifer Weiner but feeling the pressure of my TBR. I need to do something so that I am not always rushing through these delightful books only to assuage my anxiety about my TBR. This is the book blogger’s catch 22 isn’t it?


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