WWW Wednesday July 4, 2018


Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This weekly meme is hosted by Sam at Taking On a World of Words. Beyond helping me stay organized and introducing me to other wonderful blogs, this meme is becoming more and more about giving me the longest to be read list ever. But, when you love books this is more blessing than curse, am I right? So, here goes!

What Did I Just Finish Reading?

I finished Grit by Angela Duckworth and I have a lot of positive thoughts about this book. The review will be up on Friday for Non-Fiction Fridays.

I also finished Just One Damned Thing After Another which is book one in The Chronicles of St. Mary’s by Jodi Taylor. Hello time traveling historians! Fantastic characters, loads of historical references, drama, subterfuge so very British come together for a fast paced ride. I am over the moon that there are at least eight more in the series for me to enjoy.

I also purchased and read Cock Tales, the Cocky Collective by various romance writers. If you haven’t heard already, a self-published romance writer trademarked the word “cocky” and began sending cease and desist letters to any authors using the word “cocky” in the title of their books. She also contacted Amazon and had them take down books with cocky in the title and they did. Her aggressive tactics lead to massive backlash from authors, Romance Writers of America (RWA), the Authors Guild, and the public. If you want more information you can start here and here. And, if you think this is limited to romance there is another author trying to copywriter “dragon slayer” so this is an issue that affects publishing in general.

Then, romance writers came together to sell an un-edited collection of “cocky” stories to raise money to fund their fight against the trademark. It is only available until August 26th and it is approximately 1000 pages of short stories from an enormous variety of romance authors. Some I loved and quickly added the author to my TBR list. Some were too much for my taste (I can be a little prudish when it comes to sex scenes.) In the end, I cannot overstate my disgust with this author’s attempt to use the law to manipulate herself into a position of power enough. I consider the $7.99 a donation well spent. Just two weeks ago a judge called it a “weak trademark” and denied the author an injunction. I will be watching curiously to see if the author attempts to continue on the merits of her ridiculous case.

What am I Currently Reading?

I am almost finished with Trollhunters. I put it down somewhere super safe in my house and I lost it for about a week. It has been found and I should finish it today or tomorrow.

The Fellowship of the Ring is coming along nicely. I am half way through the book and I am going to have to immediately launch into the second book if I am to finish all three by the end of summer.

I am listening to Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer as an audiobook. I am only a few chapter in but the narrator does such a lovely Irish accent I have already found myself twice just sitting and listening in the parking lot.

What do I Plan on Reading Next?


The only book I have absolutely on my next shelf is The Two Towers. I need to add more audiobooks but I struggle with finding one that I don’t just tune out. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments!

Tell me, please!

How was your reading week? Have you read any of these books?

27 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday July 4, 2018

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  1. I am appalled by the author who wants to take dominion over the word “cocky” in a book title. That seems rather brash. Especially since there are many complete titles out there that are the same as other book titles…and yet there is no clamoring for them to cease and desist with their titles. Hmm.

    Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read yesterday that she was dropping the case or something of that nature and the trademark is pending cancellation. But now I can’t find the link! I also bought The Cocky Collection because I wanted to donate because the whole trademark thing was absolutely ridiculous.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my god, I want to get the cock tales book just to support all these authors. What an absolutely ridiculous situation and how awful of the author to Make so much trouble for so many indie authors out there!

    Just one thing after the other looks really good, too! I love time travel in books, especially if you throw in a bit of romance and such wonderful things on top!

    And, oh, I remember reading Artemis Fowl for the first time when I was a bit younger and getting so invested in the story! Fantastic series xx
    I work in a library now and keep recommending it to kids looking for new and interesting fantasy stories!

    Great www post! I love how varied your books are and how much you write about them 😊😊 happy reading! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my gosh – YES to Artemis! I am already so invested in all the character.

      If you read up on the stuff that author has pulled with her trademark you will be even more shocked! I have heard that she has dropped her case but I was hoping for a major smackdown. I have discovered a couple of new authors from the Cocky compilation that I can’t wait to try so it was a win/win purchase for me!

      Thanks for the comments!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. ALL OF THESE BOOKS LOOK SO GOOD!! Will look out for your review of the NF, it sounds interesting. I think I have a kindle copy of ‘Just One Damn Thing After Another’ somewhere because TIME TRAVEL!! so I’m glad to know that’s good, too.

    Also WTF re: literally everything about this Cocky business? I’ve heard about the ‘dragon slayer’ business, but not this which… cocky is literally a word, it’s not even a phrase, wtf. Glad to hear the judge was like ‘uhhh no.’ Great idea on the authors’ part to write an unedited book to help pay for costs, am def going to earmark that for when I get paid this week.

    ‘I put it down somewhere super safe in my house and I lost it for about a week.’ LOL I LAUGHED.

    Oh man, I bet Artemis Fowl is GOOD as an audiobook. I freaking love that series, and want to reread it sooner rather than later. I’m trying to remember what books I’ve heard are great in audio but I’m totally blanking RN, mostly because I’ve never really done audio. Will try and keep you in mind if I come across any good recs though! It must be hard to get good audiobooks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love any and all recommendations from you about audiobooks. I end up listening to a LOT of children’s fiction because there is an attempt to entertain that helps keep my attention. The accent this guy does though…full drool.

      Thank you for stopping by and the comments!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol I totally want to listen to Artemis Fowl on audio rn just because Irish accents are my weakness. How are you liking the story itself?

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Great to hear about your progress on The Fellowship of the Ring! Sounds like you’re having a better go at it than I did. Also I might need to buy Cock Tales on general principle. Patent trolls are gross.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ooh, I’ve had my eye on Grit for awhile now. I can’t wait to see your review on Friday! I love the idea of nonfiction Fridays!

    Wow, thank you so much fo discussing the important issue of word/ phrase trademark. I had no idea this was going on, but I can see how devastating it would be to a genre. I’m so glad you’ve helped raise awareness.

    Ooh, I have several audiobook suggestions, but sadly some of them are Audible specific and I don’t like giving such narrowly available options. The only non-Audibe one I can think of right now is Carol or The High Price of Salt, but I’m not sure whether it’s the narration or the storyline that sucked me in. Otherwise, my recommendations are for celebrities narrating their own book or memoir. If there’s a type of book you’re interested in, let me know and I’m happy to help. I’m super picky about audiobooks, so I understand struggling to find one that keeps me engaged!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Just One Damned Thing After Another sounds fantastic! And I’ve been meaning to read Artemis Fowl for ages. Enjoy your books this week and happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I didn’t know there was a Cockygate book! I was about to go snap it up right now, then it occurred to me maybe that’s not the best title to be searching on a work computer haha! I’ll definitely grab that when I’m home. I hadn’t heard about the “dragon slayer” attempt, though. I’ll have to go read up on that.


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