WWW Wednesday: April 17, 2019

Last Wednesday got away from me but I’m back for this week and ready to stay on top of my reading (I need a push to get back on track with my posting though!). As always, a big thank you to Sam at Taking on A World of Words for hosting this meme which asks the big three questions:

What did you just finish reading?

What are you currently reading?

What will you read next?

What Did I Just Finish Reading?

This is two weeks worth of reading! I loved the enemies to friends romance of Meet Cute by Helena Hunting. I got it from my local library because the cover was just too cute and inhaled it in a day. It is a sweet story with enough depth to keep it out of fluff territory.

I also listened to the audiobook of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them while simultaneously following along in my gorgeous illustrated copy. At a short two hours the experience was as good as watching a movie. I put a full review up here. 

I also wrapped up this week with the wonderfully weird Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Guess what? Review coming soon!

I managed to clear all of my ARC books (well, sort of / kind of / not really). I finished Highland Crown by Mary McCormick which I loved. It is a romantic historical fiction set in Scotland. I am having trouble writing a review that doesn’t compare it to Outlander but it is nearly impossible to avoid since the parallels are so strong and only the time traveling component is missing. But it felt like a completely different book! I need to make that clear in my review but I am, obviously, having a bit of a reviewing-block.

I also finished Solving for M by Jennifer Swender which I expected to be a middle grade book about math but turned out to be a middle grade book about melanoma. It is very well written and I am glad it exists but it would require some serious thought before handing it to a 10-14 year old. When I can figure out how to explain that a review will be up.

Finally, I put Dreaming in Code in the DNF pile. It is not bad but it didn’t catch my interest after the first three chapters and I already missed reviewing it before it came out so I only DNFed it for the sake of time. Does that count as clearing my ARC list?!?

What am I Currently Reading?

I am almost finished with Eon by Alison Goodman. This is my selected book for my Charms OWL as part of  my OWL Readathon. I am going to need to focus if I have any hope of getting through all of my OWLs but this has been a great place to start because Eon is an exciting fantasy read about a sixteen-year old girl posing as a boy in order to become a Dragon Magic user. Additionally, both Eon and another character have disabilities and the author (so far) has handled this issue perfectly.

Hamlet I have barely begun but since it is for my History of Magic OWL I know I need to keep working on it. I am hoping that I can attack it the same was I did LOTR, a little bit everyday.

I am listening to and reading Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan. It is read by Kieran Culkan and he does a wonderful job. This book also has an excellent portrayal of a Deaf character in it and (hopefully) finishing it will help me with my non-OWL April reading list.

Finally, insomnia is baaaacccckkk! Thankfully, one of my favorite authors, Wendy Holden, has put out two new books. I started the first one, Last of the Summer Moet, a few nights ago and it is as delightful as all her other books. They are light romances with loads of intrigue and British (a perfect combination for me!). Reading on my Kindle is my favorite kind of insomnia reading. It is reminiscent of reading under the covers.

What Will I Read Next?

This is one book off my Non-OWL reading list and one from my OWL list. If I can clear my currently reading I will be thrilled to start both of these books this week!

Tell me, please!

What is on your WWW?


31 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday: April 17, 2019

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  1. Oooh, I still need to read Good Omens! Soon. I have a few library books to finish first, and then I’m all over that! Looking forward to hearing what you thought.

    Man, I’m so sad that I didn’t know about the OWL Readathon, because it sounds SO COOL, but now it’s already almost over. xD Bit late to join haha. Eon sounds really good, though, and I’ll have to check that one out.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m just absolutely blown away with all her effort and detail! *whistles* I’ve decided to join anyway. xD Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I guess. Interested to see how far I can possibly get in two weeks (though, ONE book I read this month counts for a prompt so far LOL, so at least there’s that).

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You can do it!!! I’m wondering if it is cheating if I read a whole bunch of books that count but they weren’t the ones I planned to read? Hmmm. I have to ponder. I just cannot seem to stay on track with the pile I picked!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry to hear that you didn’t get into Dreaming in Code. It looked interesting. Can’t wait for your review of Good Omens, as my book club is reading it in June. Are you getting excited for the show now? Looks like an amazing cast!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel like I could do a whole Pratchett / Gaiman YEAR. They are such prolific writers. And this book is so early in both of their careers that it is even more wonderfully odd. I can’t wait to see what you have been up to this week!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re reading/have read some good books!
    I’m currently listening to the red scrolls of magic, and I’m about to start reading recreated!


    Liked by 1 person

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