Social Saturday: January 4, 2020

One of my resolutions for 2020 was to more fully participate in my challenges and to be more social. Which is why Saturdays will be dedicated to socializing. You are always welcome to join and I have made it as simple as possible. You can either comment below or link up a post of your own answering two big questions.

How are your reading challenges this week? 

What are some of your favorite posts from this week?


It is so early in the year. Later, when I have more accomplished (fingers crossed!), I would like to head over to the hosting sites and enter my progress and see what else is going on. But, this week is really more about checking in on 2020 intentions.

Start on Your Shelfathon from The Quiet Pond.


CW @ The Quiet Pond is so incredibly nice! In the one brief interaction we’ve had (me asking to join the challenge late) CW made me feel welcome. Also: its turns out you can join this one anytime throughout the year so don’t despair! You can view details of the challenge and join here.

For this challenge I put together a list of my Stunning Stack which will be stuck to the top of my page here. And, I made a Stunning Shelf Jar! That way I can take a color coded slip of paper out when I need a new book.


So far, I haven’t needed to take anything out of the jar or off my shelf because I am still wrapping up ARCs and books I started in 2019. Soon though. Soon.


Challenge: Beat the Backlist from Novel Knight


I’m in it to win it this year! I joined the Borrowers team and my plan is to work through my Goodreads TBR list by borrowing books instead of buying them. This should work (in theory) together with my Start On Your Shelf Challenge. Only time will tell. You can still join the challenge here.

Challenge: Audiobook Challenge – Caffeinated Reader & Hot Listens


Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer co-host this challenge. I’m hoping to reach Binge Listener (more than 20 audiobooks!). Or maybe My Precious (more than 30). I LOVE this challenge! I always (always) have something cued up to listen to and this week I am half way through Me by Elton John and a quarter into The Alchemyst by Michael Scott.

There are a ton of wonderful blog participating in this challenge so if you head over to sign up make sure and check out some of the participants. Here are some of my favorites I found this week.

Maybe it is because the name looks similar to my own or because of the beautiful yellow but I just love the bright and cheerful look of Sunny Buzzy Books.

Lola’s Reviews which lead me to another social post called Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ The Caffeinated Reviewer. #SundayPost has a different purpose than my Social Saturday but it might just be perfect for you.


I blog-bumped into Elizabeth @ ComplexChaos somehow this week and our 2020 reading goals are nearly identical. Elizabeth is also a Ravenclaw and Netflix addict so I started to worry that I might actually have a clone out there. But then I saw her post about her TBR. I’m too much of a mood reader to even put one together! Whew! Not a clone after all just an awesome blogger. You can check out her Jan – Mar TBR here.

Have you all ever seen the meme Six Degrees of Separation? It is a monthly link up hosted by Kate at  Books Are My Favourite and Best. Each month a book is chosen as a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain. A book doesn’t need to be connected to all the other books on the list, only to the one next to it in the chain.

Every month I sit in awe of the participants because I just can’t seem to get my chain organized past the third degree of separation. Fine. Sometimes it’s the second link that stumps me. But, this week the link up took me to Margaret @ Books Please.  I’m pretty much in awe of her post this week and I love her blog so everyone should absolutely check it out. It’s masterful.

Finally, in 2019 I found this fantastic blog Captain’s Quarters. On it, The Pirate Captain has hilarious and insightful reviews. Really, the whole blog is a true delight. Today happens to be the fourth anniversary of the blog so head over there to check it out and say Happy Blogiversary (Blog-a-versary? BlogAversary?)

Tell me, please!

How are you being social today?



9 thoughts on “Social Saturday: January 4, 2020

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  1. I loooove reading challenges. More the idea of them because I never actually participate in anything other than the overall “Goodreads challenge” aka just setting a certain amount of books I want to read. I might pick something to try this year though. I’m probably posting my 2020 goals/challenges tomorrow. Btw I really like your tbr jar. It looks so neat! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m aiming to read as many books from around the globe as possible, and blog about them. I tend to read, and forget to review.

    Love your idea of the jar. I’ve decided that this year I will add $2 to a jar every time I finish a book. At the end of the year, I will donate the money to buying books for refugee children in my community as holiday gifts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My province (in Canada) has language laws, and so all immigrants/refugees must put their children in the French education system, although many of them arrive here without any prior knowledge of French. I will aim to find bilingual (French/English) books to try to ease that transition.

        Glad you like the idea. Community literary projects are so important.

        Liked by 1 person

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